drunkle: And you’ll get no disagreement from me on the point that turning the other cheek doesn’t work. Nor does sharing an ideological common ground with someone mean that you have to excuse whatever they say. As I said earlier, I am not here to apologize for gold.
As to nonsense being addressed: Again, I agree wholeheartedly. We have reached a point that, societally speaking, anything goes. Between political correctness and general ignorance, we sit back and let nearly anything pass without comment, either from fear of giving offense, or fear of being labeled and then demonized.
I find both Al Franken and Rush Limbaugh infuriating, as well as their know nothing adherents. I think creationism and Intelligent Design are twaddle, but I also don’t believe Science (when treated as a religion) has all of the answers either. Yet, that is. I find Dubya and Huckabee of the same mold, but profess that Hillary scares me just as much, and less because of her ideology, but because of who she really is under the window dressing.
I appreciate your taking the time to trade barbs with me, I enjoyed it.
Speaking of being lazy, I’m going to wander off and vegetate in front of the TV. All of this thinking has really tired out the hamster.