Driving without insurance is not a victimless crime, nor is speeding, reckless driving, etc.
That being said, I agree that the fines are getting out of hand, and I am 100% opposed to public cameras, no matter how “virtuous” the reason for their existence — just too “Big Brother” for me.
As for the bashing of unions, the only reason the private sector is falling behind is because the private sector employees have bought into the myth that unions are bad. It is their own apathy that is to blame for their reduced wages and benefits. ALL workers — public and private — derive some benefits from the existence of the few remaining unions. Non-union employers have to compete with union employers, so unions place a floor under wages and benefits, even of those employed in the non-union private sector.
If you are an employee, you benefit from unions. Isn’t it high time Americans open their eyes and realize what’s been done to our citizens? While the middle class is disappearing, and U.S. citizens lose their purchasing power, the very wealthiest have managed to concentrate the country’s wealth to an extent never seen before.
As long as corporations and capitalists (financiers) have their lobbyists working form them (almost always in direct opposition to the workers’ and consumers’ best interests), then workers need to ally so that their interests are represented as well.
We need **fair trade,** not “free” trade. Wage arbitrage is only beneficial to those at the very top, while it strips away the pruchasing power of workers in developed countries.