Driving from Downtown SD to the markets in Hillcrest or Point Loma takes at least 20 minutes with all the traffic lights. It is far from convenient to get around to all those places you mentioned and very little public transportation.
From my suburban hell I drive in 5 to 10 minutes to Albertsons, 2 Vons (formerly 3), one of 2 Henrys, one of 2 Trader Joes, Ralphs, Jimbos, mexican Mom and Pop markets, a killer farmer stand with fresh produce and they are building a Whole Foods. I’m sure I missed a few. I can also get pet food at either Petsmart or Petco or go to one of a few local owned pet stores. If I need care for my kids I can go to a hospital ER in less than 10 minutes, urgent care in less than 5 or just walk two doors down to a peditrician who lives there. I have 2 fabulous libraries within 5 to 10 minutes. I have nice wine stores/wine bars and restaurants I can walk to. There a few golf courses nearby and the beach. I can walk to Target, Barnes and Noble, Borders, Bed, Bath & Beyond or an Apple Store. I find it very difficult to find anything I need that i have to drive more than 5 or 10 minutes to get to.
It seems like my far flung suburban hell has alot more of the conveniences of urban living than Downtown San Diego urban living offers.