Drive by the other chantemar homes while you are there. If you have a chance drive by caminito pudregal, that is the home we had an offer on. I don’t recall the numbers, I think it was 9776 or something like that. It is on the left side of the street and has a maple tree in front of it. Also while you are there go back down to avenida magnifica and head north of pomerado a few blocks. On the lhs of the street you will see jeraback school and park. It is pretty cool. If you have mapquest look for timberline. Hunters Pointe is a subdivision in that area and I think you will find some nice homes in there. It is not the same feel as south of pomerado though. As far as insulating yourself I could not agree more. Unfortunately most of the sellers are in denial and the fairbrook owners are possibly in that camp. Still though it doesn’t hurt to try. If it doesn’t happen simply have your realtor call them back every few weeks just to let them know you are still around. Again, time is on your side and realize scripps is more of a trailing community with regards to the decline.