If you care about your kids’ education and have the means to do something about it you shouldn’t be looking at public schools anyway. If they let teachers teach it might be different …[/quote]
Nice of you to drop in again, drboom 🙂 I DID look at that similar schools rank of schools within the PUSD on the link you provided and observed quite a few very low rankings there. My understanding was that this column ranks student performance in schools with other “similarly situated” schools in the state, perhaps with a group of same-grade schools with similar demographics and similar percentages of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches.
What is says between the lines is that the students in those PUSD schools which have low API scores in relation to schools statewide where the student body has essentially the same economic opportunities offered to them are not working up to or testing to their capacity given all the tangible benefits at their disposal to assist them.
Go figure. And THIS, after nearly a billion was spent on new schools, rehabbing older schools and building an atrociously expensive monument for a District office. I’ll say it again … not only are PUSD taxpayers not getting their money’s worth, they haven’t even begun to scratch the surface on repayment of the principal in said (subprime) bonds used for all this fabulous new construction (“for the kids”).