Again, quotes will do. Otherwise, I’ll have to assume that this is just sophistry on your part and you are incapable of supporting your argument with facts.[/quote]
I do not think it means what you think it means.
—Inigo Montoya
If you want a quote, please direct us to the post you wrote about women as something other than objects of amusement, utility, or conquest. Unsupported assertions about how you “like”, nay “love”, women don’t count, and we’re not talking about friends or family.
I don’t need to provide anything: your record speaks for itself. It would be more fun to debate if I had any confidence that you’d do more than simplemindedly parse out of recognition everything you didn’t misread.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure I know exactly what sophistry means and I’m also pretty sure that it describes to a T your attempt to “prove” that I’m a misogynist (“without providing anything” no less – how convenient!!).
soph⋅ist⋅ry /ˈsɒfəstri/
1. a subtle, tricky, superficially plausible, but generally fallacious method of reasoning.
2. a false argument; sophism.
As you know from Logic 101, one cannot prove a negative. And since this is the internet, almost EVERY assertion made that is not historical – and thus verifiable – in context is, by definition, “unsupported.” Despite that fact… I’m going to do as you ask… because it will amuse me… although your exclusion of “friends” is odd – if I have female friends that I don’t want to “conquer” (to use your words), doesn’t that by definition cast doubt on your argument? Do misogynists have female friends that they treat as equals to their male friends? I suppose it’s possible, but I doubt it… But I will get to this. For the moment, however, I’m off to dinner with friends… and my god there will be a female there… that I don’t want to conquer… what does it all mean?