You were tricked by doing what normal humans do, which is trust authority and peers. You should not be faulted for that.[/quote]
Bullshit. Blindly following the herd is the epitome of irresponsibility, not to mention stupidity.
But I think for myself so I might be abnormal.[/quote]
Ahhh… So the Fed is hitler, the senate banking committee the SS and CNBC is Paul Goebbels propaganda arm, with realtors the brown shirts and all us citizens still allow them to remain in charge. So we are all culpable then. Exactly my point.
And the third reich is till pushing people into homes. The evil bastards.
I guess people that remain in their overpriced home are still supporting this evil regime. Good thing some people are hip to their evil plans and strategic defaulting is rising which should be commended.
So what are you doing to stop the national debt holocaust? I bet you are asking people to keep following aren’t you?