This is all very easy to settle. You claim to have prospered but the truth is you dont even know whether you did. If you want to know, here’s an offer. Send me the address of the property you bought and I will review the purchase relative to comps with an unbiased eye. You have my word that I wont identify you. In a similar disagreement, the most secretive blogger on the net (OCRenter)shared with me what he bought. I’m probably one of a very few people who know his identity. I never shared a shread of his identity with anyone and never will. Just so you know I let him know I beleived he got a phenomenal deal and one that would be difficult if not impossible to replicate. The only thing we differed on was he’s convinced he paid a year 2000 nominal price and my opinion was that it was a late 2001/early 2002 price.
I’ll go one further. I will only share with you the results of what I find and leave it up to you as to whether you or I share the results (not the property)with anyone else. If you are concerned about anonymity you can ask anyone on this board if I have ever identified a single human being or violated my promise to anyone. Through out the years of being on this board I have met personally or been able to figure the identity of numerous folks here and have never shared identifying information for one.
So what say you? Ready to settle this once and for all?