[quote=dozzao]Yes I agree Drboom. It is not easy with kids. Good luck with your purchase – it sounds like you have done your homework.[/quote]
Monitoring the SD housing market, along with larger economic and policy issues, is something of a hobby in our house. My wife is in full nesting mode, but she is willing to listen to reason. 🙂
[quote]I am trying to hold off buying for the time being and maybe get a 2bedroom rental apartment. But it will mean we wont save any money each month which will suck but at least we will have more space.[/quote]
I think an apartment is doable with a 1-2 year old, but it gets harder the closer they get to 3. Going to the park every day just isn’t realistic, especially if you have to work around a baby’s meal and nap schedule.
My 3.5 year old is literally running in circles in our living room as I write this. It’s both cute and sad at the same time.