Doom and Gloom- for sure, but when you speak of the metoric rise and fall of the United States, it all seems possible.
Unlike the European conutries that have a thosand years or more of history, and a long rise to economic power before their ultimate fall – the U.S. peaked in only a few hundred years, and the fall could be a few decades.
We (the U.S.) have exported most of our manufacturing, intellectual property development, and raw material acquition to other countries. We make little except food, and consume a lot. Our government is way in debt and promises to pay impossible benefits in the future to “retired” workers.
I really do not see what can save us from our own desire to destroy our own economy. The dollar has competition for the world currency, the once mighty U.S. military is almost ham strung in two little mideast counties, and we have real competition from China and the rest of the developing world for oil.
Yep, the great era of the United States is almost over.