Don’t know how this is related to housing, but since it’s such a heated topic these days, I will comment.
…What to do with illegal immigration is so complex. My husband and family came to this country totally legally, but since they have extended family down there sympathize with the situation and hear about it first hand.
What all of us very ungrateful americans don’t realize is what the majority of the world, i.e. 3rd world countries have to live in. Most people would not risk life and limb to leave their country if they had any hope for a future.
Our question is if our gov’t wants to spend billions on a war in Iraq to ‘fix’ the problem over there? What about addressing issues with our neighbors to the south which directly affects us? I just think that the issue of illegal immigration needs to be looked at from a much bigger picture. We are not for illegal immigration as his family has tried to help extended family go through the process legally (wait in line for 20+ years), but really the solution is to open our eyes to the extreme poverty and oppression, want to do something about it, and push our government to facilitate real government change down there.