Don’t forget about drain safety. I’m sure there are many older pools that haven’t been retrofitted.
“Owning Up to a Boy’s Death
Rare but Grisly Swimming Pool Accident Spurs Unusual Prosecution of Executive”
“The prosecution spotlighted a rare but gruesome accident called entrapment, in which powerful suction from a pool’s drain traps a swimmer underwater. The case also could pave the way for similar prosecutions.
After the six-year-old, Zachary Cohn, was fatally trapped underwater in 2007 with his arm caught in the pool’s drain, Connecticut prosecutors charged Mr. Lionetti, president of Shoreline Pools, of Stamford, with manslaughter.
The prosecutors claimed that the company had failed to install a device that would have shut off the pump when an object got in the way.
Mr. Lionetti last month pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, criminally negligent homicide, in what many safety advocates hope is a turning point in decades of efforts to force pool makers to address entrapment more aggressively. The plea, which averted a possible 10-year prison sentence, imposes a three-year term of probation and requires Mr. Lionetti to perform 500 hours of community service, much of which he will fulfill with janitorial services at a local Boys & Girls Club.”