Does anybody else get the feeling that the AIG bonus outrage is all really just a cover? As long as we are all screaming mad at AIG, we cant be screaming mad at Congress, Obama (though I doubt we will get there for another 6 or so years) or the FED bungling of it all. So we rant about bad contracts written long before the Q4 blow up in the markets. We threaten to hang AIG executive’s children with piano wire (what did the kid do again????), and we vent on blogs and talk shows about how it isnt all fair and such.
All the while we dont question the FED printing another Trillion today to manipulate the markets so we can kick the can alittle farther down the road. We dont question the seeming inability of the Obama administration to appoint people who are not “good old boys” or crooks. We dont question why we are following Dodd and the other ‘leaders’ in Congress who are just as responsible for this mess as anyone in AIG.
I feel like I am watching a sacrifical lamb before the slaughter.