Yes and no. One does not necessarily need to directly experience something to know whether it’s likely to be enjoyable to them or not there is no way of being certain. Also one’s values change over time. One of my good friends is a doctor that travels the world. He has lived a life unlike anyone I know. He has had multiple audiences with the Dalai Lama and has the pictures to prove it. He lives in Bangkok and counts many high profile celebrities as friends who come there to have the times of their lives in that open environment. His life would make most people blush. That is until he met a gal he loved and had a child. That experience changed everything for him and he now wants another. Before that, he wouldnt have thought about putting his hand on the top of a burning stove but now he wants to come back to America and live in a non-descript suburb like Carlsbad.
As for your cranial writing, its not the kids its having the right wife. My big brother is a prolific writer, a surgeon, a champion bodybuilder and a mentor to many people. He’s also the devoted husband and father to 1 and 2 yr old kids. It was all about having the right wife and that may not be an American wife. In his case it wasnt.