[quote=Djshakes][quote=CA renter]
Do realize that wealth can be defined in a number of ways, but I define it as the control and ownership of the world’s finite resources — the monetary units might change, but the end result is what I care about. In this sense, it is most definitely “zero-sum.”[/quote]
You can define wealth however you want to compliment your stance. In regards to finite resources, what maybe currently overlooked today could very well be tomorrow’s resource. The only thing finite is man’s ability to discover and utilize new resources. 400 years ago no one would have ever imagined a combustible engine or what would power this engine, although the resources existed. Assuming resources are finite is assuming mankind is at the peak of his knowledge in discovering new resources or utilizing them. What if man discovers a way to efficiently utilize a resource with zero waste? Then it doesn’t matter if there is a finite source of that resource as long as the finite source is able to meet the demand.[/quote]
I’m more concerned with those who control natural resources (mining, farming, water, land, etc.) and also those who control labor and infrastructure…and money! It’s not the waste that concerns me the most, it’s the ability of those at the top to control the price, quantity, and quality of basic resources. This power is concentrated in too few hands, IMHO.