[quote=Djshakes]bubba…you should shut up if you don’t know what you are talking about.
FY10 Scripps expenses per GL:
Professional Srvcs to SCMG (Scripps Clinical Medical Group) – $161,513,071
Depreciation, Amoritization, interst fee & expense and Bond interest series 2008 – $18,580,177
I don’t even want to waste time addressing the rest of the fail in the previous responses.[/quote]
Wow, you are a genius. You cite one part of one institutes budget and claim it applies to the world. Scripts has 5 campuses, 10 clinics, and 10 costal medical centers. If your numbes were worth a $h!t, you could see that is about $700K per campus in all capital expenses.
But if you would still like to tell me to shut up, give me an address and we can do it in person you j@!c$a$$