[quote=Diego Mamani][quote=jpinpb]I’m inserting Partypup’s post from another thread: (…) When the hammer falls, you absolutely don’t want to be caught with paper.[/quote]
Geez… You gotta love these “the sky is falling” posts in cyberspace. They predict a cataclysmic collapse, yet for some reason they think there’ll be enough lawfulness so that you don’t get killed for a can of beans, let alone a few ounces of gold.
Look, if it gets so bad that the US dollar becomes worthless and the government fails, you’ll have more pressing needs than preserving your savings. Such as eating again, or maybe even surviving overnight.
Thanks for the entertainment, though 🙂
I should actually be thanking you for the entertainment, Diego. Because posts like these are downright hilarious.
In your mind, does a country evolve from a super-power to “cataclysmic collapse” in, oh, say 6 months? Or a year? How do you envision the Marvel comics-style collapse unfolding? LOL. Yes, I’m sure you think one day you’ll be merrily shopping at Costco, and 48 hours later you will be huddled under your kitchen table, too frightened to open the door lest the marauding hoards force their way in.
Diego, get a grip. This crisis, like everything else in life and in our universe, is moving in STAGES. That means that you won’t get killed for your precious can of beans, and I won’t be killed for my gold, anytime soon. What it DOES mean, however, is that your standard of living will erode rather rapidly, as will those around you, and over a period of months and years it will become increasingly expensive for you to buy the things you need, and as more time passes, those items may not even be available. And that’s when the real trouble starts.
Now, in the intervening time, do you want to hold all of your assets in a steadily-depreciating currency? Well, if you live in Marvel comics Land, I’m sure you do 😉 But for the rest of us who are firmly grounded in reality, we realize that gold will tide us over until the next phase begins. Gold will allow us to continue to buy food that is steadily increasing in price and to purchase the *hard* assets (whether land, equipment or whatever) that we will need to forge our lives wherever we choose to forge them.
It’s your choice entirely whether you choose to stay in San Diego, clutching your can of beans in a death grip, when unemployment surges to 30%. For my part, I think I will have paid close enough attention to the signposts to figure out when to liquidate my gold, what to buy and when to get the hell out of Dodge.
By the time the “cataclysmic collapse” you refer to actually happens, I assure you that I will have divested myself of my gold and will have invested in the items that serve my “more pressing needs”, as you call them.