[quote=Diego Mamani]And, don’t worry, as usual, the california courts will overturn the prop
Guess what, the courts shot it down! Something similar passed in the 1990s with the “anti-immigrant” Prop 187 (really a racist initiative) that would have required Nazi style round ups of children in public schools and teachers demanding to see proof of citizenship before admitting kids to class. The courts shot this one down too!
Wow, I remember 187! I voted against it, but only with about 20% of the other voters. Everyone I knew voted for it….they just saw it as a prop to stop illegal immigration and were grabbing at straws. Many failed to think it out. It proposed to have teachers determine who and who was not an illegal student. I voted against because the teacher’s job is to teach, not to police.
As with Prop 8, I received an email from someone I knew, and he went on and on about it, how he was for rights, but should vote against it because the schools will be mandated to make this a part of their curriculum, and he felt that was too much government interference.
Yes, Prop 8 will be overturned. What are they supposed to do with the gay couple that have already married? Do those marriages become invalid?