[quote=desmond]How many homeowners actually stay in the same house for 30 years and pay it off and want to retire in that same house? Also, if you become disabled you will end up not being able to take care of yourself let alone your old house. I guess all those retiree’s in those active living places are being used for slave labor by those nasty landlords.[/quote]
I can’t speak for everybody but my parents and many of my aunts and uncles bought 1 house and lived in it for well over 20 years and they’re still there today. They have no plans to move, so I’m sure their mortgage will be paid off by the time they’re retired. Several of my neighbors also have bought their houses from the early 80s, so, they’ll be coming up to the end of their 30 year mortgage in a year or two. I’m sure they’re not moving anywhere anytime soon.
Also, with your disabled argument, why not say, if you go outside, you can get in a car accident and die. So why bother saving. Just spend every dollar you have since no one know how long they’ll live.