[quote=deadzone][quote=squat250]Maybe it’s like adverse possession. If you’re here illegally long enough you win.
Say you’ve got a guy came here as an adult but been here 40 years. He may have known the risk as u say but the risk has changed dramatically over tome.
Seems harsh to me to boot the old dude to Mexico with no money and no family who’s been here longer than many if us have been alive. But I am admittedly soft.[/quote]
Unrealistic example, not likely to find any illegal who has been living here for 40 years (remember the amnesty in the late 80s?). And what makes you think he would not have any money? after working here for 40 years he should have a good enough savings to live pretty well down in Mexico.[/quote]
Agree that it’s unlikely for the reasons deadzone has pointed out, but I’d be willing to make an exception for the person who’s been here for 40 years IF he has no criminal record and hasn’t scammed our social services system.
I’d also gladly welcome any “illegal immigrant” who has served in our military, especially if they’ve served during a war. IMHO, this is one path to citizenship that shouldn’t offend anyone.