I could talk economics all day (degrees in econ and accounting from Milton Friedman’s alma mater as well as MS in finance) but choose not to as I dont subscribe to ivory tower thinking. I live with my feet firmly on the ground and have learned from experience that economists are rarely even close to being accurate in their analysis or forecasts. Carry on adults.[/quote]
I agree with you on that one. When I refer to talking economics I’m speaking of the practical application as we debate here, not the bullcrap spewed in academia.
That said, the fact that higher interest rates would kill the housing market shouldn’t be controversial, it is not a bull vs. bear dabate, just an obvious fact.[/quote]
The problem with even pratical applications is that it is still the same old ceteris paribus nonsense. Nothing happens in isolation so even what seems to be so simple to you isnt ever in reality. So even though you can logically and rationally state rising interest rates would kill the housing market it just hasnt happened that way in the pas and that is an obvious fact not your opinion of what is so simple. It would not necessarily happen that way in the future either as rising interest rates would come with a whole set of other circumstances. Life doesnt happen in a vacuum.