[quote=deadzone]I’m sure there are a few “exceptional” cases where it is necessary to hire a foreign specialist. However, I’m tired of hearing the propaganda that we need to bring in more high skilled foreign tech workers because we don’t have enough engineers and scientists in this country. There is absolutely no evidence to support that.
Here is a good article describing this Myth of the STEM worker shortage. http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/03/the-myth-of-the-science-and-engineering-shortage/284359/%5B/quote%5D
The whole “shortage of STEM workers” meme is propaganda put out by the very same people who are bashing unions. Not kidding, do some research on this.
These people are eyebrow deep in the “education reform” (privatization) and “immigration reform” (amnesty) movements and are looking to do the following:
-push more people into a corporate, profit-
driven educational system fueled by student
loan debt and tax money (privatization
of educational infrastructure)
-get more and more people to get STEM
(and other) degrees so that STEM labor
is cheaper here and abroad
-move cheaper labor into countries with existing
labor protections (bashing unions along the way)
so that they can hire cheap labor overseas when
it benefits them, but also so that they can hire
cheap domestic labor when it’s more profitable
to do so