[quote=deadzone]If there is a stock market crash, housing will crash too, guaranteed. The same forces are blowing up both bubbles. And if there is a crash, it will be far worse than 2008. That bubble was purely housing and mortgages, now there is more insane speculative money out there than I’ve ever seen. This makes the dot com bubble look like child’s play. This bubble is everywhere. Look at the insane housing prices, stocks, crypto currencies, even baseball cards. I not kidding, I follow sports collectibles and there are cards auctioning off for 7 figures on a weekly basis. This is insane and unprecedented.[/quote]100% agree. Considering how catastrophic it would be if we see a massive crash of this magnitude when memory is still so raw from 2008. My bet is the fed and government will act BIG if we get any sign of major crash. We might see $20T stimulus before we see repeat of 1929 or 2008. So, I’m betting on inflation.