I like your line of thinking and great job. But the problem is, what can you invest in today that will guarantee better than the 4.5% interest rate you would pay for the mortgage? There are some relatively higher yield corpoarate bonds but there is always higher risk associated with higher yield. Stock market is even riskier. Especially now with prices reaching 2-year highs you’d be nuts to put big money in there. Gold is also near its all time high so not the best entry point.
So I would say given the limited investment options out there is no point.[/quote]
deadzone – lately I’ve been sharing your sentiments and applauded your posts.
On this, though, been thinking about it and financing @ about 4.5% today is probably a pretty good idea. My reason for thinking this is that when (not if, but when) rates go up, that money, even just sitting in a bank, could be earning quite a bit. I think most of us believe that rates will go up, just how long before they do and how high. But until that time, having the cash won’t be gaining much. So in that respect, I agree.