[quote=deadzone][quote=flu][quote=deadzone]So every career on FLUs dream list are Wall St. banking activities. Personally I don’t consider those legit careers, certainly not for living in Socal. But sure those guys can get rich if that is your only goal in life and don’t mind selling your soul. Realistically, do you even need a college degree to be an investment banker? Probably more important who you know and what is your ethnicity.[/quote]
I’m sure doctors do pretty well mid-career, better than engineers, don’t you? And how long can doctors practice for?
I’m sure a decent attorney can still practice when their in their 60ies.
I’m sure a decent real estate broker/agent can still work in their 60ies.
You think you can practice in your engineering job when you are 70? Have you seen many 60-65 year old engineers?
I know you’re going to say, well most of those doctors/real estate brokers/agents/attoronies don’t do well… Well guess what? Most of the engineers these days that aren’t really good, don’t do really well either. They usually are the ones that get outsourced overseas first. So if you want to make a comparison, compare best case scenario to best case scenario or worst case scenario to worst case scenario. Also, if you felt engineering is so great, why do you continue to complain about H1-Bs being a threat? just curious[/quote]
You are nuts if you believe H1B is not a threat. Do you want your kids to have to compete with lower cost imported labor? Regardless of how “good” they are, net result is negative for the American worker. Just like with all the immigration debate, the only Americans that benefit from this are the employers.[/quote]
I’ve been arguing for YEARS that H1B is a real threat to American workers … esp tech workers. Other countries do not allow their (valuable) “living-wage” jobs to be usurped by hungry, foreign applicants …. and rightly so. It’s as it should be in those countries. The US is “giving away the store” in allowing employers to do this. We have always had PLENTY of homegrown talent in this country in ALL fields! It’s just that employers always want fresh (read: “young”) blood. They don’t want the 55+ yo American worker. There is a misconception out there among employers that older workers do not have the latest skills or their skills are not in the latest computer science or engineering subspecialities.
In actuality, nothing could be further from the truth. And now that healthcare-coverage cost is “off the table” due to the ACA, employers can just give older workers an “allowance” to help them pay their (already-supplemented) health premiums from exchange-purchased plans and give each worker just under FT-status (30-34 hrs wk?) so they don’t have to give them more expensive company-paid health benefits.
Instead, US employers (esp medical and tech employers) would rather deal with the annual H1B headache and often pay relocation and other, more expensive benefits to hire foreign applicants over available American applicants. Just because a foreign applicant possesses a recent “advanced degree” from a US university doesn’t mean they can express themselves coherently on paper or have a full command of the spoken English language. They could have hired someone (like me, lol) to write all their papers in college or dictated them to a typist before turning them in! Ha! And I’m no “spring chicken!”
For the most part, US employers treat vibrant and energetic “older-worker applicants” like they’re dumb, out of touch and have one foot in the grave. It’s a dirty shame and they are cutting off their noses to spite their faces.