But the more relevant issue is the fact that the illegal immigrants are working, and theoretically taking jobs from Americans. Now people argue that these are low pay jobs that Americans don’t want to do. Maybe in some cases. But far more dangerous, as previously mentioned, is the H1B visa workers. These foreigners are taking high paying jobs away from Americans. Why is there not more outrage from the public on this issue?
Agree with you about the H1B visas, but the immigrants who are taking those low-skill jobs ARE taking jobs that Americans would like to do, but they won’t do it for $5/hour because taxpayers pick up the slack for what their employers won’t pay, and these immigrants don’t mind living 15 to a household in slum-like conditions. Like the H1B visas, there are Americans who are perfectly willing and able to do the jobs, just not for slave wages. And this is definitely something we need to get riled up about.