We understand the fact that you don’t like marriage and family. You seem to enjoy yourself, and enjoy the freedom to do whatever you want to do, with whomever you choose to do it with.
Can you also understand that some of us (both men and women) don’t want your lifestyle? Some of us enjoy the kind of love and lifestyle that can only be experienced by those who commit themselves to another person for life. We **enjoy** marriage (and children, for those who choose to have them). We enjoy a more substantial relationship where life is lived as a team, and one’s goals no longer revolve around ourselves, alone.
Exactly whom are you trying to convince that your lifestyle is superior?
Whether a person decides to get married or not is a personal choice. There is no universal rule about what is right or wrong. That being said, your constant remarks about women being “gold-diggers” and that their work (in the home) and sacrifices are not valuable show a very narrow-minded perspective. The suggestion that they should make themselves available to you (or other men) and offer up their most valuable assets (youth and beauty) without any expectations in return are offensive.
There are women on this site who are better-off than their husbands (including myself), and some who are not.
Money is NOT everything; and stay-at-home parents provide valuable services that, while not paid for in salary, are still worth very real money. You negate the work done by these parents and spouses, and you lack the knowledge or experience to make these judgements.