Yeah, a defining characteristic of real smart folks like yourself is that they’re petrified of competition in their labor market to the extent that they’d prefer to unionize rather than pit their own capabilities against those of others in the free market.
But when corporations use patent law and/or buy out their competition in order to monopolize an industry, that’s being “smart,” right? Perhaps it’s smart when these corporations move their manufacturing facilities overseas so they can drive down prices and force out companies that manufacture in the U.S.
We once had quality products that lasted a lifetime, produced by well-paid, skilled employees. Now, we get toxic, plastic crap from China that fills our landfills because it needs to be replaced every six months.
You’re implying that unionized workers are afraid to compete with other workers based on the merit of their skill or quality of product produced. That’s not the case at all. This is not a competition based on abilities, it’s a competition based only on wages. If you’re suggesting U.S. workers should embrace working for third-world wages, feel free to lead the way. You go first.
It’s nice to know these corporations (and the politicians they pay off) are so “smart”! Hooray for the “free” (if you have enough money to drown your competition in lawsuits and line the pockets of politicians) market!