To expand on one of my favorite topics, my very crude breakdown of married men is as follows:
40% cheat (to greatly varying degrees)
50% want to cheat but can’t (unattractive, too busy, etc.)
3% gay
2% swingers
5% other – don’t cheat and don’t have any interest in cheating
What I’ve found is that the 93% in the top three groups spend much of their married lives trying to convince their families that they’re in the 5% “other” category.
I will agree that 50% of married men who DON’T step outside the marriage probably face temptation at one point or another – probably even multiple times a day.
Lets face it – the thought “I’d tap that if given a chance” probably goes through men’s brains every time they see an attractive person. But the key is – they don’t all act on it.
Does this correlate to them “trying to convince their family they’re in the 5%”…
I don’t think so. I think most wives know their husbands DO look at other women and sometimes think “Hmmm, I’d like to sleep with her”.
The key is – as someone else in this thread pointed out – most married people do a cost benefit analysis – and some percentage choose to ‘tap that’ (cheaters) while others figure, that for their situation, the cost is too high. They like their marriage/lifestyle and don’t want to risk it for sex outside the marriage. I don’t think that’s the same as them wishing they could cheat but not being attractive enough or being too busy… it’s just sticking with the commitment they made because they like their married life.
It’s kind of like desert – some people will NEVER say no to desert. Even when they’re full. Even when they’re on a diet. Others decide it’s not worth the calories or that they’re full – even though the desert looks really yummy. And a small percentage really have no interest in desert ever – no sweet tooth. The folks who turn it down do not necessarily live with regret over turning down the desert.