Maybe it’s just my circle of friends… [/quote]
Yup, it’s just your circle of friends. The fact that 2% of women went down this road 30 years ago, but now it’s 10% – I’m just throwing out numbers – still makes it the exception, rather than the rule. Again – look around – this is still rather unusual. Don’t get me wrong – I love it – but it’s still the exception. When more than 50% of all women are having children and not wanting child support, then we can talk about what the exception is and what the rule is. Until then…[/quote]
Apparently two women Piggs running in different circles have the same experience. Not saying Piggington doesn’t get exposure, but it is limited and here you have two fine examples of what’s out there. Perhaps it is your circle that continues to suffer from this dilemma.[/quote]
Alright, then tell me… give me your best guess… what percentage of women with children under the age of 18 are (1) unmarried, and (2) want no financial support from the father (note: not RECEIVE no financial support, but WANT no financial support)? I’m betting that I can dig up the “receive no financial support” number and then we can back into a reasonable “wants no financial support” number. But, I’m curious, what’s your guess? 60%… 40%…? I’m betting the number is under 10%. And I think I’m giving myself a pretty large margin of error.[/quote]
Was out of town yesterday, so didn’t get to respond, but I also know at least three different women off the top of my head who do NOT want child support, primarily because they don’t want the father and new GF/wife to interfere with their lives. I also know of at least one woman who went the sperm donor route and is very happy with her decision.
I think you are considering a small world where men with lots of money want a variety of beautiful women and no committments. The women who run in these same circles are more likely to be gold-diggers because they know that money buys beauty and beauty buys money — and beauty is temporary, so they have to get what they can while they can get it. Sometimes, it might mean they “trick” a man into getting her pregnant (seriously, if the man doesn’t want a child, he will make sure he doesn’t get one, so the whole “tricking” thing doesn’t really hold water — he’s just as responsible as she is). Women who are extremely attracted to money/power are more likely to be deceptive and manipulative in the pursuit of their goals — much like the men who pursue money, power and beautiful women.
From my own experience, there was never any shortage of men who wanted to get married and have kids. Every single one of my boyfriends wanted kids. Again, just anecdotal.
Women don’t want child support because they are “gold diggers.” They want child support because raising children is very, very expensive, and few single people (men and women, both) can do it all on their own. From everything I’ve known, women want a **family** with children, and a loving husband who is equally committed to the long-term well-being of her children. It’s a known fact that families do better when parents are married. When they divorce, resources are strained, and it is only logical that both parents continue to support their children until adulthood. Why do you think women should be the only ones to bear the burden?
In Europe, women are far more “liberated” than they are here, and nuclear families are more rare. The men there have to put ads in the paper looking for women who are willing to get married and have kids, because most women will not choose to have kids if they have to handle everything on their own. You have no idea how difficult that is, physcially, financially, socially, and emotionally.
Like jpinpb said, it’s not only women who want kids. And yes, men do use pregnancy/children to trap and control every aspect of their wives’ lives.