My sibling is a well decorated financial exec. Her husband is a great man. She never fell for a dumbass guy.
There are no great men; only great reputations waiting to be tarnished. The evidence is voluminous.
Growing up, it had a lot to do with the peers and surroundings…Needless to say, being surrounded by high achieving people had a lot to do with it. It all has to do with self-esteem and self-respect. As my sibling put it, she didn’t need to hang out with “dumb people”.
My observation was the girls/women that ended up being screwed up and looking to marry dirtbags early were the ones that were missing a father figures, had serious trama somepoint in their life with a male figure, or ones that were alone with no siblings, and or were living in a unbearable-ultimately repressive/strict environment (ones with a lot of rules, formalities,etc)……Those girls/women had serious self-esteem/emotional issues…Easy prey for piggish men. But that how this world works…In just about everything….So, make sure don’t fvckup your daugther’s life.
This is magical thinking of the highest order.
Did the following women grow up with a lack of high achievers in their midst (or self-esteem issues):
Maria Shriver
Hillary Clinton
Ann Sinclair (DSK’s wife)
Silda Wall (Spitzer’s wife)
And so on and so on…
You seem to believe that you can create an environment in which your daughter will be unlikely to hook up with “dirtbags”… and this environment doesn’t exist. You’re suffering from endowment effect… you think your daughter’s life will be “special” because she’s your daughter, but the reality is… that women – of all walks of life and backgrounds – like dirtbags. Your attempt to convince yourself otherwise is nothing more than a coping mechanism.[/quote]
No, I don’t think anyone is special…As a parent I do my best…
Maria Shriver
Hillary Clinton
Ann Sinclair (DSK’s wife)
Silda Wall (Spitzer’s wife)
But like I said, I think there’s a huge difference between a failed marriage versus men (or women) who intentionally mispresent their intentions from the get go… I’m not someone here who thinks Bill Clinton is a dirtbag. I would say Clinton’s marriage probably started out as a truthful commitment, and somewhere along the line shit happened…Oh well… that’s life… But come on, can anyone really say that Clinton’s…. I do have issues with folks that say they are “commited” when they aren’t.
And no it’s not a coping mechanism at all. It’s doing the best you can, despite how the rest of the world works…