Simple supply and demand. Skills in need command top dollar, regardless of how “stupid” those skills might be (stupidity of skill is irrelevant).
I doubt AIG can hire me, you or Breezie to undo those contracts.
I agree with your message here. But it is counterbalanced by de Gaulle’s observation that, “The graveyards are filled with indispensable men.” At the end of the day, everyone’s dispensable. Even Rambo, despite the fact that the hot asian chick told him in Rambo II, “Rambo, you not indispensable.” And then she got shot by the Russian guy that looks like he could be Rutger Hauer’s brother. But I digress.
Dave: Wasn’t that Russian guy the same guy that played the bad guy in “Beverly Hills Cop”? I think it was.
Rambo always irritated me. Probably because he was Special Forces and I was a Ranger and there is no love lost, believe me. You wouldn’t find a Ranger running around the jungle with a Flashdance headband shooting explosive arrows at people. No, sir.