[quote=davelj][quote=briansd1][quote=CA renter]
We need to enact tariffs to offset the profit margins gained by exploiting cheap labor around the world. Otherwise, it is a race to the bottom, which should be clear to everyone by now (but for some reason, too many people refuse to see it!).[/quote]
Not if you look at all humans equally.
From a world humanitarian perspective, as long as more people are being lifted out of poverty than fall into poverty, then the system is working.
If 10 million Americans fall into poverty, but 100 million Chinese gain education and a “middle-class” life, it’s a net positive gain for humanity.
Actually, if Americans can no longer afford “Carlsbad-like” neighborhoods and everything in San Diego deteriorates to “El Cajon-like” and people have to move to apartments, it still won’t be the end of the world.[/quote]
And therein lies the problem. We look at our “problems” from our perspective (of course). The vast majority of the “underdeveloped” world views globalization very favorably because their lot is being improved measurably at the margin. And this improvement is coming at the expense of the middle class in the developed world. Who deserves what? It’s hard to say. Because where you stand depends upon where you sit.[/quote]
Pretty much sums it up, davelj.
Brian, you’re a fan of globalization and wants to see the poor from around the world lifted out of poverty. I’d like to see that too, but am not willing to take us down to the level of “developing countries” to do so. Perhaps, because you are childless, you have a different perspective from those of us who have a more vested interest in our well-being — our children who will be the ones to suffer the brunt of this “equalization.”