[quote=davelj]And since this is the internet, almost EVERY assertion made that is not historical – and thus verifiable – in context is, by definition, “unsupported.” Despite that fact… I’m going to do as you ask… because it will amuse me… although your exclusion of “friends” is odd – if I have female friends that I don’t want to “conquer” (to use your words), doesn’t that by definition cast doubt on your argument? Do misogynists have female friends that they treat as equals to their male friends? I suppose it’s possible, but I doubt it… But I will get to this. For the moment, however, I’m off to dinner with friends… and my god there will be a female there… that I don’t want to conquer… what does it all mean?[/quote]
Hell, that was easy. I’m tired and slightly intoxicated and it took me all of 60 seconds to disprove your (drboom’s) ridiculous assertion:
Take a look at the post at 1:03pm on May 28, 2008:
Tell me something: Would a misogynist support a charity for abused and homeless girls? Seeing as these girls are not “friends or family,” that’s a rhetorical question.
As I’ve said many times before, I’m equally critical of both human genders – males and females alike. If that makes me a misANTHROPE, then so be it (although I would dispute that label as well). But misogynist, specifically? Sorry, but you’re way off base – you’re just making faulty assumptions based on flawed interpretations of a limited sample of posts. But that’s par for the course.