[quote=davelj] But now that they’re putting in a good faith effort (we can debate the anticipated effectiveness, to be sure) to stem the bleeding, everyone just bitches and moans as if they have any clue as to what to do.[/quote]
Not sure if I am included in that number, but I question your above statement. Is this a good faith attempt to fix the bleeding? Worrying about the few hundred million in bonus money and not the hundred billion + of the rest of it? There was NO accountability included in the original TARP/bailouts. Most of the “tough” restrictions of the original AIG bailouts are gone replaced by lots of words but little action. Our “infrastrusture building” ‘Stimulus’ contains a whole lotta stuff that isnt infrasture spending and of dubious ‘stimulus’ in a long term sense.
IN a time of record deficits it seems everyone found time to include their pork inbetween railing on deficit spending and worring out future generations.
I guess I question your assertation of “good faith”. It seems like the same old BS, just a different suit shoveling it.
[quote=davelj] Again, I’m no fan of the current Officialdom. But at least I can sympathize with the bind they’re in (granted, partly of their own making) – they’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Not an easy place to be.[/quote]
Id be more sympathetic if they were more honest.
” I realize this is screwing the young and poorer segments of our population, but I really feel that not bailing out the irresponsible and reckless who have overspent would be worse for our country, and those groups we are hurting, than doing nothing at all.”
Atleast then I could believe the words coming out of their mouths, even if I didnt like them.