Dave: You’ll recall my recommendation of Farhad Manjoo’s “Post Fact Society” writings. Breezhnev is a slavish adherent to a group that fails to differentiate between Information and Knowledge. There is plenty of the former and precious little of the latter floating around the blogosphere.
Thus, his inability to successfully argue points (because he lacks facts and knowledge) and instead simply contents himself to upchuck vast amounts of information, which offers the appearance of knowledge, but, in reality, is simply noise. When called on his obvious lack of knowledge, he then resorts to name calling and strawman arguments.
I warned you about the rabbit hole, didn’t I? Any attempts to have a good faith debate with him will come to naught and for two reasons: First, he is truly ignorant on the subjects he’s attempting to discuss, and, second, at heart, he’s a polemicist. Never argue with someone who lacks the basic ability to separate fact from fiction.