[quote=DataAgent]I pay $35 every 2 weeks for mowing and general yard cleanup in NW Clairemont (Bay Ho). The owner and his friend do the work. They spend about 1.5 hours at my house. I’m probably overpaying but I like to overpay and overtip my vendors a little. A happy vendor does better work.[/quote]
That is probably a good deal. Over here, we had a gardener that my S.O. insisted on – paying him $100/mo, while the yard was virtually a postage stamp. It was 12 foot from house to back wall and about 30 feet of frontage. Front yard consisted of a little over 20 sq feet of grass – and a rock garden with just a few plants. The gardener would spend about 15min every week there. Very rarely over, more often less.
I pushed for them to be terminated after they chronically over watered two camellias and killing one, badly damaging another, spraying roundup in the basin of a potted lemon, lime and olive (instead of weeding), over watering bougainvilleas at the root, not noticing that the servo valve on the automatic watering system was not working (twice – two different valves not related to the camellias), slicing open the drip line in two places with a box cutter because he felt there should be more water at that location. – there’s more, but I think that just a few of these are enough.