[quote=danielwis]Health care bill will pass. Its not perfect, and far from it. Conserva-dems and Republican’s skewed it strongly in favor of insurance companies. In the end, we will be left with an industry that is largely competition free, as it is today, but we will move closer toward universal coverage. Eventually, we will need to move toward single payer. The current system favors waste, abuse, provider over payment, and over treatment. That will eventually need to be addressed, and this bill does not do that.[/quote]
So let me get this straight: The bill doesn’t do what its supposed to and doesn’t contain the provisions or components that we want or need, but its better to get something, anything, passed than nothing. Do I have that right?
To what end does this benefit anybody? Is this simply a ploy to get Obama re-elected? Put something into place that can be made better, later? If the latter, history teaches the sheer impossibility of that happening. One can point fingers all day, but this is simply crappy legislation from an incompetent Congress. Obama’s first, and fatal, mistake was entrusting those bozos with the crafting of the bill. Nearly as bad was his inability to sell it to the American people.