Good points. Just want to clarify with personal experience that so called highly skilled immigrants are not always experts. Known people who have worked with these H1Bs and for the most part are hard working but have just basic knowledge, not enough to work on their own. How could they have that experience from India, etc?? If Software companies, intel really wanted hire people coulnt they sponsor a few classe here at UCSD and SDSU to get more EE,CE and CS majors ready? The labor dept reqts to advertise for local people before hiring H1B is a major sham.
In this weeks Barrons has a big story about China and a discussion of the complete disregard of environmetal rules there. Before we lust after their GDP growth we should be aware of the costs. Business people decry enviro rules in CA, but have they ever been to China, India and seen real pollution? A colleague just got back from Beijing, so I will see if I can get the lowdown and will post any interesting stories.
On a side note, be very wary of Asians, middle easterners who were not raised in US. Generally (NOT ALL) they dont have morals, ethics and will rip you off. Its not their fault, they grow up with that attitude and dont automatically change when they come here. Ok, lets hear it, I’m a bigot.
Oh Yeah, I keep forgettin yo mo be there, no that I was born in INDIA.