Damn you bake! 😉 Rudy’s is my absolute favorite. My second favorite was the Green Mesquite, which I lived literally one block from… that was dangerous. (Never actually made it to the Salt Lick, an omission that will be fixed eventually).
CAR – Thanks, but I’ve got a nice winter layer going. 😉 It would be a lot worse but I run an awful lot, and while I eat what food I want I try to use moderation (sometimes I even succeed).
outtamojo – I am loving the BSK so far. I had lusted after the Big Green Egg for a long time but just couldn’t get myself to spend that much. I did a lot of research and it seems the BSK is just as good but will cost you not much more than half of a BGE, including accessories. I got it on Amazon.
So far I have seared steaks super hot and cooked low and slow a couple times and it’s worked out great. There is some babysitting of the vents that is required, to keep the temp right for low temp cooks. But I got this great remote thermometer that can broadcast the temp in the keg and of the meat without me having to go out and check it all the time… that’s crucial.
If you want more info check out the forums on the BSK site, lots of helpful info there, or email me; I can tell you what I know.
Since CAR noted my habit of taking food pics… I can’t take credit for those educational bbq pics above, which I just googled, but here is a pic of a prime rib I cooked low and slow over mesquite charcoal in the keg:
[img_assist|nid=14330|title=low n slow prime rib|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=500|height=375]