Cyphire said: Perhaps you and PD forget that any money made above a certain point was made off the sweat of others.
The people who worked for me were fairly paid – but the way the system is set up I made the real money. I'm not ashamed of that but grateful.
I am quite aware that successful businesses require good workers. Here in America, most of them are paid a fair wage. We do not live in a feudal society. Please explain to me how objecting to Americans paying taxes twice on the same money is somehow forgetting hard workers.
I find your logic quite twisted. You admit that you took most of the profits, slough off responsibility because that was how it was “set up” and then accuse me and jg of somehow turning our back on the workers. Instead of happily forking over 50% of your money to the government, wouldn’t it have been better to directly share more of the wealth with the people whose sweat made you rich?
Don’t get me wrong here, I think you deserve your gains and am not saying that you were not a fair employer. I am just pointing out the disconnect in your own thinking.
Further, cyphire, I have never claimed that poor people receive too many social services (although I do think that there are many who take advantage of the system).