cyphire – being a former NYer, I have to agree that So Cal is culture starved. People here say we have culture and to them it is b/c they have never lived in NY. San Francisco is the best California has to offer as far as west coast version of NY.
Every time I go visit back east, I do miss so much of it. Still not enough global warming to make me live there and endure 5 months of winter. I just know starting from Thanksgiving, sometimes as early as Halloween, the weather gets too cold for me, and that doesn’t usually get any better til April after Easter (not counting this year in March) I like to do outdoor activities and sun too much, otherwise, that would be the place to be. Scraping ice off car windows, shoveling show, icy roads, all that. I admit, I’m a wuss and can’t handle it. I thought I could do it and I tried to go back from ’93 to ’95. As far as weather, I think I’m spoiled. Been in So Cal since ’76. I just try to go back and visit as much as possible every year.
Good that you have family in Madison. Your money will go a lot farther there and be able to travel more. The thing I notice is that most people live here and don’t travel elsewhere much. Since I have traveled, I know San Diego is not the end-all be-all. I respect your decision and very selfless of you, really any parent, to live somewhere for the betterment of children. I don’t have any. If I did, I’d probably do the same, especially formative younger years, I hear is critical.