I think you are over reacting and on the verge of making a very bad decision. Consider that selling your $1M is going to cost you about $50,000 maybe more. Then consider that moving will cost you a several thousand dollars as well as disrupting your life for several months. Consider also that if you’ve been there a long time its the way you like it and making that 1300 sf home the way you like it is going to cost you a fair sum.
If you are selling for $1M and will net enough to pay cash for a $600K home you have a small mortgage which should and could easily rent it and be cash flow positive. SO that would be your worst case IMO. You live on a great quiet street tucked away in one of SD most desareable neighborhoods. Your neighbors have been there along time and are not highly leveraged. You have a low tax basis for a very nice home.
CV is a very strong market and will continue to be so. I’d get off the ledge. You have very little to fear.
Could you sell it in 30 days? Absolutely! But why would would you?