[quote=cvmom]Unfortunately, I think the FDA shut down the 23&me health info service. :([/quote]
Only sort of….
23andMe gives you the full genome in raw searchable form. HOWEVER they no longer tell you your odds on some common genetic risks. You have to look at the individual markers yourself.
You can still look at the raw data. I used that to look at my sons’ results.
You need to know the SNP marker, typically starts with an ‘rs’ then a bunch of numbers. You log into 23andMe (after they’ve completed your genome) then search for that rs#####
Or you can link to it directly (assuming you have logged in.)
So – yes, it’s true you 23andMe can no longer tell you explicity “you’re at increased risk for breast cancer because you have the BRCAA genetic mutation” – you can still use the 23andMe data to look at that specific marker. A little more work, but the data is still there.
The FDA thing is stupid. All they did is tell you the risks and benefits of certain mutations, based on scientific studies. They linked to the studies, they showed where the studies disagreed… it was very useful. But it didn’t cover everything – the MTHFR mutation was not included in their list of health information they gave. I had to look up mine from the raw data.