CV soccer moms are the worst…….I have lived in La Jolla and now live in the CV….Most LJ people have made it and if they need to show off they do it with their multi-million dollar house…They then drive or dress anyway they please…
But when you think about it, all the homes in CV are pretty much the same…maybe a few more square feet or a bigger lot…SO they need to show off by leasing nicer cars, spending more on clothes or having really big hair….They are just whipping out their credit/debit cards, spending their husbands hard earned money, trying to think they are in the next level (ie. LJ or RSF etc.)…
They are generally rude and think they are hot stuff…..That’s also why prices for alot of things are actually slightly higher in the CV than LJ..The soccer moms in the leased Land Rover don’t car about saving a few bucks here and there…Thats why they all fill up at that overpriced Shell near Carmel Creek rd which charges outrageous prices for gas…too undignified to fill up in Mira Mesa….
If I see one more overweight soccer mom, squeezing into some expensive tight Juicy Coutiere labeled pants I am going to barf…..