[quote=ctr70]I just went on a tax calculation web site and compared what someone living in CA making $400k a year vs. someone making $40k pays in total taxes. The assumption for sake of discussion is single person:
$40k income
-$5,484 federal taxes
-$1,680 social security
-$576 Medicare
-$396 SDI
-$1,320 CA state income taxes
Total:$9,456 – 23% of income
$400k income
-$116,400 federal taxes
-$16,800 social security
-$5,796 medicare
-$3,996 SDI
-$40,608 CA state income taxes
Total:$183,600 – 46% of income
So the person making $400k pays 20 times more in taxes as a total dollar amount! And the liberals want them to pay more!!! $183,600 is not enough blood for the parasites! What would be fair if it was a flat tax and the person making $400k also paid a total of 23% out of their paycheck. They would still be contributing $92,000 vs. $9,456 for the person making $40k. Still 10 times as much!
I personally think the whole escalating tax brackets are total BS. It is basically a legal means for the lower income to steal from the higher income because they outnumber them in the electorate & will always vote for the candidate who taxes “the rich” more. The ONLY guy who EVER got it right was Steve Forbes with the flat tax plan. Why should a person making $400k have to pay out double the % of his income as a guy making $40k? There has never been a good reason for it. It is totally unjust and unfair and IMO a Governmental form of theft, a form of stealing. A much better plan is the RADICAL shrinking of the size and scope of Government and more frugality with tax dollars collected, so our citizens can keep more of their money & choose to spend it how they wish.
I do not want to live in a Euro-style quasi socialist society where the Gov takes 60% of my income and re-distributes it. I don’t want to live in a place with chronic high unemployment and stagnant economies with no decent jobs like Greece, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, etc… I would rather personally choose how I spend my money.[/quote]
Your numbers for SS and medicare are off.
Assuming worst case (highest tax) – which is for someone self employed. Self employed folks pay both employer and employee side of SS payroll tax.
Your 40k earner would pay:
10.4% * $40k = $4760 SS tax.
Your 400k earner would pay:
10.4% * $106,800 = $11,107.20 SS tax.
(ss payroll taxes are capped at the first 106,800 of payroll income)
Medicare also seemed off.
Your 40k earner would pay
2.9% * 40k = $1160 medicare taxes
Your 400k earner would pay
2.9% * 400k = $11,600 medicare taxes
If they are an employee – it will be less since the employer will pay a big percentage of the SS tax.
Medicare is a flat tax – so you can’t make any argument about the high earners being unfairly taxed. Flat is flat. 2.9% on all earned income.
SS is a regressive tax – higher earners pay a lesser overall percentage because only the first $106k is taxed… People making less than $106,800 pay the tax on their entire income.