[quote=CricketOnTheHearth]How sad. I didn’t think people were still such little lemmings. “Are ya gonna believe me, or your lying eyes?” I.e., the blather on the TV or the fact that their brother, sister-in-law, cousin Vinnie etc have been struggling with the job market for the last 3 years (or probably more). It’s gotta be pretty crazy-making to have struggled to find a decent job for the past year and a half, fall off the back of the unemployment-comp bus, and then have the TV tell you “unemployment is only 9.5% and it’s all getting better.”
Karl Denninger has been arguing that the market is being faked anyway, via computer trading– here’s an example of his claims.
About his Tea Party connections: I was reading him for a year and a half before I found out about them, and he seemed to make a lot of sense to me. If the tea partiers have actually spotted a naked emperor, it would make sense for the emperor’s minions to try to paint them as racists, crazies, etc. I don’t know if that is the case– if the fruit-loops are fifth columnists, or if actual racists and crazies have simply piled onto the bandwagon. Anyway, what he says on his blog and the image of the Tea Partiers I see on CNN just doesn’t jibe for me.[/quote]
Totally agree with this. MoveOn.org has stated that they are “infiltrating” Tea Party activities and holding up signs with misspellings, etc. in an effort to make the Tea Partiers look stupid (maybe some “racist” signs are from them as well?).
I think the original intent of the Tea Party was good, and VERY threatening to “The Establishment.” IMHO, that’s why they brought out the healthcare bill when they did, and started trying to put Republicans in charge of the TP movement. The worst nightmare of “those in charge” is that people wake up to the evil that lurks behind the divisive nature of party politics and start following the money.
Originally the Tea Party was a grassroots movement that was opposed to bailouts, especially of bankers and foolish borrowers. The PTB were very afraid of that movement, so they quickly brought in their usual divisive tactics (the two-party system and all the “emotional” propaganda) so we wouldn’t threaten those who hold real power in this country.