Could you guess for some reasons why a listing agent would order termite report before mls listing?
Chiming in here. Both SD Realtor/sdrealtor/urbanrealtor are right.
Basically as a seller, you want the inspection done before MLS listing because it will give you time to remediate/fix any problem before the property goes to listing.
Inspection immediately after listing is a very bad time to try to do this because the first few weeks of a listing are critical (don’t forget DOM). Trying to do inspection/remediation while MLS listed and having Realtors trying to visit the property is not a successful way to get the property sold. (ie: imagine having a Realtor coming to show the house.. and it is tented for termite fumigation).
Doing the inspection after sale, risks the sale. The buyer will probably make the sale contingent on the needed inspections (if they even want to deal with the potential risk of the property failing inspection). If these don’t pass, you may loose the sale or the buyer may want a price adjustment.
Besides: doing it ahead of the MLS demonstrates to a buyer that the seller is really ready for a sale and is prepared.
Seller is generally expected to have all permits and inspections done. Not having them done can seriously impact the selling price of the house (due to buyer pricing in ‘unknowns’).