Correct Rus… I would imagine that a number of people who post here who have jobs as engineers, or nice 6 figure income jobs with large corporations. In fact I am one of them. I have said it before and will say it again, I would also imagine many a poster here has not been through a severe recession yet. Once again, my post is simply one of those be careful what you wish for posts. Obviously the steps you have taken are prudent to insulate yourself.
Now of course many here are not in a situation where they have to worry. Let’s face it, this entire board does not represent what we would call even median income folks. The fact is (I would guess) that the income level of most who post or lurk here, is higher, perhaps much higher, then the median. Also that many who post are much more highly educated then the average person.
Your words are sage advice…
With respect to a bail out, if there is a sh-tstorm that some predict, there will be no bailout…there will not be any money for a bailout.
Good reading for people… The Forgotten Man. This book brings up good points about how the government made the depression much worse then it had to be… (IMO)…