[quote=Coronita]that’s perfectly fine. I had not had a chance to go through each thing and was hoping someone would go through that and comment. Glad you did. I get so much email about Coronavirus, it’s getting tough to figure out what’s real and what isn’t. Heat and warm temps might not really slow this down, unfortunately. It’s over 90 in India, and unfortunately it doesn’t appear India isn’t impacted by cv too.[/quote]
We don’t know yet. Considering Iran is also on the warm side, and it’s death-rate/test-positive is about 6.8% to our 1.7% and they have more total deaths than the United States at 2,640 to our 2,112; I wouldn’t put too much stock in temperature actually slowing this thing down.
I also suspect that Iran’s numbers may be poor sampling. Considering the poor testing across the board – including the CDC’s decision that they should primarily test those that look like they have the disease, it is hard to trust any of the numbers. No body knows how many people are largely symptomatic – going through the disease as feeling the ‘blahs’. I suspect that Germany and South Korea have done the best job in sample-testing. I don’t think the testing in both of these nations was compulsory – so they don’t have a true stochastic sample (truly random – representing the state of the population).
I don’t use CDC numbers for the US and compare to the WHO for the rest of the world because they use different metrics and get the data at different times. WorldOMeter is an interesting approach since it uses ‘web site scraping’ including news, but is likely to over-report because of the possibility of double counting. WorldOMeter will also not have a good number of survivors and asymptomatic because that does not make the news.